Network Security

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A powerful directory/file, DNS and VHost busting tool written in Go.

A Python-based web application scanner for OSINT and fuzzing OWASP vulnerabilities

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A fast domain resolver and subdomain bruteforcing tool

A smart SSRF scanner using different methods like parameter brute forcing in post and get requests.

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A simple CLI tool that extends the functionality of Nmap

A Burp extension to detect alias traversal via NGINX misconfiguration at scale.

A bash script for scanning a target network for HTTP resources through XXE

A tool to discover new target domains using Content Security Policy

WAPot Logo


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A honeypot that emulates a Belkin N300 Home Wireless router with default setup to observe traffic

A utility to generate malicious network traffic for security evaluation.

Tool for setting up Glutton, a cybersecurity tool for monitoring SSH traffic.

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A Linux command-line tool that allows you to kill in-progress TCP connections based on a filter expression, useful for libnids-based applications that require a full TCP 3-way handshake for TCB creation.

Fake SSH server that sends push notifications for login attempts


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A powerful interactive packet manipulation program and library for network exploration and security testing.

A Docker container that starts a SSH honeypot and reports statistics to the SANS ISC DShield project

A suite for man in the middle attacks, featuring sniffing of live connections, content filtering, and protocol dissection.

A printer honeypot PoC that simulates a printer on a network to detect and analyze potential attackers.

DNS spoofer tool for redirecting DNS lookup requests.