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A tool for bruteforcing subdomains of a given domain

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A tool to declutter URL lists for crawling and pentesting

A low-interaction honeypot that uses Dionaea as its core, providing a simple and easy-to-use interface for setting up and managing honeypots.

A configurable DNS honeypot with SQLite logging and Docker support.

Modular honeypot based on Python with support for Siemens S7 protocol.

A Python web application honeypot that provides simple statistics for the Glastopf.

SMTP Honeypot with custom modules for different modes of operation.

A Python-based honeypot service for SSH, FTP, and Telnet connections

Distributed low interaction honeypot with Agent/Master design supporting various protocol handlers.

An open source honeypot for NoSQL databases with support for Redis and additional features for detecting attackers and logging attack incidents.

SHIVA: Spam Honeypot with Intelligent Virtual Analyzer for capturing and analyzing spam data.

OpenCanary is a multi-protocol network honeypot with low resource requirements and alerting capabilities.

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Honeypot tool with bug-catching capabilities and support for multiple protocols.

Honeypot for analyzing data with customizable services and logging capabilities.

An open-source Python software for creating honeypots and honeynets securely.

An observation camera honeypot for proof-of-concept purposes

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A low to medium interaction honeypot with a variety of plugins for cybersecurity monitoring.

HonTel Logo


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Honeypot for Telnet service with configurable settings.