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DemonHunter is a distributed low interaction honeypot with an Agent/Master design. Agents are honeypots of different protocols, and the master receives attack information to show to honeypot administrators. By using DemonHunter, you can choose from various protocol handlers like Apache(v2.4.18) or Nginx(1.10.0) without needing to install anything extra on your server. Each Agent can handle multiple protocols, and each master can manage an unlimited number of agents. DemonHunter is developed under python3.6 and may work on python3.5. For documentation, visit To install the latest version, use: $ pip install git+ or $ pip install demonhunter from PyPI. To run DemonHunter, execute dh_run for the Master and set up Agents (Honeypots). Running the dh cli will start the master at with a sqlitedb in the current directory.