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A configurable DNS honeypot with SQLite logging and Docker support.

WordPress honeypot tool running in a Docker container for monitoring access attempts.

Multi-honeypot platform with various honeypots and monitoring tools.

A subset of the Modern Honey Network project set up to run in docker, including hpfeeds broker, cowrie honeypot, and dionaea honeypot.

Docker-based honeypot setup with detailed installation and configuration instructions.

Medpot Logo


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A honeypot tool emulating HL7 / FHIR protocols with various installation and customization options.

BW-Pot Logo


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A highly interactive honeypot for observing access from attackers by building easily targeted and compromised web applications, forwarding logs to Google BigQuery for accumulation and visualization.

A script for setting up a dionaea and kippo honeypot using Docker images.

An automation framework for subdomain bruteforcing

A DICOM server with a twist, blocking C-STORE attempts for protection but logging them.