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Glastopf Analytics is a Python web application honeypot that provides simple statistics for the Glastopf. It retrieves basic informations about your honeypot by accessing the default SQLite glastopf.db. Requirements: - DBI - Dancer2 - Geo::IP Installation: - Install DBI using apt-get install libcpan-sqlite-perl - Install Dancer2 using cpanm Dancer2 - Install Geo::IP using apt-get install libgeo-ip-perl Usage: - First edit path to glastopf database & change username and password in ./lib/MyWeb/ at lines 9-11: set 'database' => '/opt/myhoneypot/db/glastopf.db'; set 'username' => 'admin'; set 'password' => 'password'; Example: - root@honeypot:~/Glastopf-Analytics$ perl ./bin/