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Honeytrap is a low-interaction honeypot and network security tool with various modes of operation and plugin support for catching attacks against TCP and UDP services.

Low interaction MySQL honeypot with various configuration options.

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LaBrea is a 'sticky' honeypot and IDS tool that traps malicious actors by creating virtual servers on unused IP addresses.

An SDN honeypot tool for detecting and analyzing malicious activities in Software-Defined Networking environments.

A subset of the Modern Honey Network project set up to run in docker, including hpfeeds broker, cowrie honeypot, and dionaea honeypot.

Docker-based honeypot setup with detailed installation and configuration instructions.

A hybrid honeypot framework that combines low and high interaction honeypots for network security

Building Honeypots for Industrial Networks using Honeyd and simulating SCADA, DCS, and PLC architectures.

A medium interaction printer honeypot that simulates a standard networked printer

A Go-based honeypot server for detecting and logging attacker activity