Low interaction MySQL honeypot written in C. Dependencies: libev. Usage: mysql-honeypotd [options]... Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -b, --address ADDRESS the IP address to bind to (default: Can be specified several times. -p, --port PORT the port to bind to (default: 3306). -P, --pid FILE the PID file. -n, --name NAME the name of the daemon for syslog (default: mysql-honeypotd). -u, --user USER drop privileges and switch to this USER (default: daemon or nobody). -g, --group GROUP drop privileges and switch to this GROUP (default: daemon or nogroup). -c, --chroot DIR chroot() into the specified DIR. -s, --setver VER set MySQL server version to VER (default: 5.7.19). -d, --delay DELAY Add DELAY seconds after each login attempt. -f, --foreground do not daemonize (forced if no PID file specified). -x, --no-syslog log errors to stderr only; ignored if -f is not specified. -h, --help display this help and exit. -v, --version output version information and exit. Notes: --user, --group, and --chroot options are honored only if mysql-honeypotd is run as root. PID file can be outside of chroot. When using --name and/or --group, please make su
A simplified UI for showing honeypot alarms for the DTAG early warning system
A honeypot system that detects and identifies attack commands, recon attempts, and download commands, mimicking a vulnerable Elasticsearch instance.
A low-interaction honeypot that logs IP addresses, usernames, and passwords used by clients connecting via SSH, primarily used for gathering intelligence on brute force attacks.
A basic Flask-based Outlook Web App (OWA) honeypot for cybersecurity experimentation.

An AI-powered career platform that automates the creation of cybersecurity job application materials and provides company-specific insights for job seekers.

Mandos Brief Newsletter
A weekly newsletter providing cybersecurity leadership insights, industry updates, and strategic guidance for security professionals advancing to management positions.

An AI-driven data classification and governance platform that automatically discovers, analyzes, and labels sensitive information while providing risk management and compliance capabilities.

System Two Security
An AI-powered platform that automates threat hunting and analysis by processing cyber threat intelligence and generating customized hunt packages for SOC teams.

Aikido Security
Aikido is an all-in-one security platform that combines multiple security scanning and management functions for cloud-native applications and infrastructure.

Permiso is an Identity Threat Detection and Response platform that provides comprehensive visibility and protection for identities across multiple cloud environments.

Wiz Cloud Security Platform is a cloud-native security platform that enables security, dev, and devops to work together in a self-service model, detecting and preventing cloud security threats in real-time.

Adversa AI
Adversa AI is a cybersecurity company that provides solutions for securing and hardening machine learning, artificial intelligence, and large language models against adversarial attacks, privacy issues, and safety incidents across various industries.