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Honeytrap is a low-interaction honeypot and network security tool written to catch attacks against TCP and UDP services. In its default configuration, it runs as a daemon and starts server processes on demand when a connection attempt to a port is made. Different modes of operation are available that control how connections are handled. In normal mode, a server sends arbitrary data provided in template files as a basic means to emulate well-known protocols. Many automated attack tools will be fooled and continue with the attack dialog. A popular mode is the so-called mirror mode in which incoming connections are proxied back to the initiator. This trick eliminates the need for protocol emulation in many cases. A third mode, the proxy mode, allows forwarding of specific sessions to other systems, e.g., high-interaction honeypots. Plugins: A module API provides an easy way to write custom extensions that are dynamically loaded into the honeypot. Arriving attack data is assembled to a so-called attack string that can be saved to files or a SQL database for manual investigation. Honeytrap comes with different plugins that run on these attack strings to extract additional info.