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Triton is a dynamic binary analysis library that provides internal components for building program analysis tools, automating reverse engineering, performing software verification, and emulating code. It offers dynamic symbolic execution, dynamic taint analysis, AST representation of various ISAs, expressions synthesis, SMT simplification passes, lifting to LLVM, and interfaces with Z3 and Bitwuzla solvers. It also includes C++ and Python APIs for ease of use.



Compact C framework for analyzing suspected malware documents and detecting exploits and embedded executables.

Collection of malware persistence information and techniques

Tools for working with Android .dex and Java .class files, including dex-reader/writer, d2j-dex2jar, and smali/baksmali.

A simple XSS scanner tool for identifying Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities

A strings statistics calculator for YARA rules to aid malware research.

A simple framework for extracting actionable data from Android malware

A backend agnostic debugger frontend for debugging binaries without source code access.

VolatilityBot automates binary extraction and memory analysis, including detecting code injections and strings.