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yara-parser is a Go library for manipulating YARA rulesets. Its key feature is that it uses the same grammar and lexer files as the original libyara to ensure that lexing and parsing work exactly like YARA. The grammar and lexer files have been modified to fill Go data structures for ruleset manipulation instead of compiling rulesets for data matching. Using yara-parser, one will be able to read YARA rulesets to programatically change metadata, rule names, rule modifiers, tags, strings, and more. The ability to serialize rulesets to JSON for rule manipulation in other languages is provided with the y2j tool. Similarly, j2y provides JSON-to-YARA conversion, but do see Limitations below. Installation For the following go get commands, if you experience any issues, they are likely due to outdated versions of Go. The project uses features introduced in Go 1.10. Installation should proceed normally after an update. To install (or update) everything at once, the following command can be used: go get -u y2j: YARA to JSON Use the following command to install the y2j command for converting YARA rulesets to JSON. go get -u




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ICSREF is a modular framework for automated reverse engineering of industrial control systems binaries