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Repokid uses Access Advisor provided by Aardvark to remove permissions granting access to unused services from the inline policies of IAM roles in an AWS account. Getting Started: - Install mkvirtualenv repokid - git clone - cd repokid - pip install -e . - repokid config config.json DynamoDB: - You will need a DynamoDB table called repokid_roles (specify account and endpoint in dynamo_db in config file). - The table should have RoleId (string) as a primary partition key, no primary sort key. - A global secondary index named Account with a primary partition key of Account and RoleId and Account as projected attributes. - A global secondary index named RoleName with a primary partition key of RoleName and RoleId and RoleName as projected attributes. - For development, you can run dynamo locally. To run locally: docker-compose up. The endpoint for DynamoDB will be http://localhost:8000. A DynamoDB admin panel can be found at http://localhost:8001. If you run the development version the table and index will be created for you automatically. IAM Permissions: - Repokid needs an IAM Role in each account that will be queried.