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✅ Automate your key and secret validation workflows 🤠 Over 30 different providers 🤖 Export to JSON, audit via CSV 🔑 Keyscope is a key and secret workflow (validation, invalidation, etc.) tool built in Rust, powered by service_policy_kit. Current workflows supported: Validation 🦀 Why Rust? With Rust, "If it compiles, it works." and also, it compiles to many platforms. Rust is fast, has no VM, or unnecessary cruft (typically 5-8mb binaries with LOTS of code and libraries). Multi purpose, safe, and generalistic - makes for healthy and expressive mission critical code. Adding code or abstraction doesn't increase bloat, doesn't hurt performance, doesn't increase chance for bugs in a radical way (less edge cases). Amazing package manager: Cargo. Productive installing and running of tasks and examples. Rust is getting headlines in the security community as the go-to language for security tools. Equally interesting is offensive security + Rust here and here. 🚀 Quick Start Grab a release from releases, or install via Homebrew: brew tap spectralops/tap && brew install keyscope Using keyscope You can try out validating a key for a provider, say, Github (assuming the key is in the GIT