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Hiryu is a visualization tool for threat analysis that organizes APT campaign information and visualizes relations of IOC. It can store mostly schemaless node and relation on local DB, and can use Neo4j GraphDB as backend. Quick Start: Requirements: Redis Neo4j (Optional): confirmed version 3.4.7 works Set up virtualenv and install python packages. Create Django Project and Install Hiryu: 1) Add 'Hiryu' to INSTALLED_APPS as follows: INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'Hiryu', ] 2) Edit DATABASES (e.g. postgresql) DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', 'NAME': '<DB name>', 'USER': '<DB user>', 'PASSWORD': '<DB password>', } }


An IOC tracker written in Python that queries Google Custom Search Engines for various cybersecurity indicators and monitors domain status using Google Safe Browsing APIs.

Provides breach and attack simulation products for security control validation, offering three different products to meet the needs of organizations of various sizes and maturity levels.