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CFRipper is a Library and CLI security analyzer for AWS CloudFormation templates. You can use CFRipper to prevent deploying insecure AWS resources into your Cloud environment. You can write your own compliance checks by adding new custom plugins. Docs and more details available in [CFRipper Documentation]( CLI Usage: Normal execution: $ cfripper /tmp/root.yaml /tmp/root_bypass.json --format txt Analysing /tmp/root.yaml... Not adding CrossAccountTrustRule failure in rootRole because no AWS Account ID was found in the config. Valid: False Issues found: - FullWildcardPrincipalRule: rootRole should not allow full wildcard '*', or wildcard in account ID like 'arn:aws:iam::*:12345' at '*' - IAMRolesOverprivilegedRule: Role 'rootRole' contains an insecure permission '*' in policy 'root' Analysing /tmp/root_bypass.json... Valid: True Using the 'resolve' flag: $ cfripper /tmp/root.yaml /tmp/root_bypass.json --format txt --resolve Analysing /tmp/root.yaml... Not adding CrossAccountTrustRule failure in rootRole because no AWS Account ID was found in the config. Valid: False Issues found: - FullWildcardPrincipalRule: rootRole should not allow full wildcard '*', or wildcard in acco