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INE Security

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INE Security provides a range of cybersecurity certifications, including Junior Penetration Tester, Certified Professional Penetration Tester, Mobile Application Penetration Tester, Web Application Penetration Tester, Web Application Penetration Tester eXtreme, Enterprise Defense Administrator, Certified Incident Responder, and Certified Threat Hunting Professional. These certifications demonstrate expertise in various areas of cybersecurity, including penetration testing, mobile application security, web application security, and incident response. The certifications are designed to validate the skills and knowledge of cybersecurity professionals, and are offered through INE Security's training programs and certification vouchers. INE Security is a leading provider of cybersecurity training and certifications, and its certifications are recognized industry-wide as a mark of excellence in cybersecurity expertise.



Cheat sheet with common enumeration and attack methods for Windows Active Directory.

SANS Institute provides cyber security training, certifications, and degrees to empower cyber security practitioners and teams.

A series of vulnerable virtual machine images with documentation to teach Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL security.

Cybersecurity industry portal offering articles, tools, and resources.

Interactive challenges demonstrating attacks on real-world cryptography.

Best practices for corporate network segmentation to protect against basic targeted attacks

Free online ethical hacking course covering penetration testing, web app assessments, exploit development, and security operations.

A workshop offering resources for local privilege escalation on Windows and Linux systems.