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Important security headers for Fastify. It is a tiny wrapper around helmet. Usage: Simply require this plugin, and the basic security headers will be set. const fastify = require('fastify')() const helmet = require('@fastify/helmet') fastify.register( helmet, // Example disables the `contentSecurityPolicy` middleware but keeps the rest. { contentSecurityPolicy: false } ) fastify.listen({ port: 3000 }, err => { if (err) throw err }) How it works: @fastify/helmet is a tiny wrapper around helmet that adds an 'onRequest' hook and a reply.helmet decorator. It accepts the same options as helmet, and you can see more in the helmet documentation. Apply Helmet to all your application routes: By passing { global: true } into the options, @fastify/helmet allows you to register Helmet for all your application routes by default. If you want a more granular control on how to apply Helmet to your application you can choose to disable it on a global scope by passing { global: false } to the options. By default, this option is set to true. Example - enable @fastify/helmet globally: fastify.register(helmet) // or fastify.register(helmet, { global: true })