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Analyzes CloudTrail data of a given AWS account and generates a summary of recently active IAM principals, API calls they made, as well as regions, IP addresses and user agents they used. The summary is written to a JSON output file and can optionally be visualized as PNG files. Usage: - Make sure you have AWS credentials configured for your target account. - This can either be done using environment variables or by specifying a named profile in the optional --profile argument. Example run: - pip install -r requirements.txt - python Supported arguments: - All arguments are optional: --activity-type {ALL,SUCCESSFUL,FAILED}: type of CloudTrail data to analyze: all API calls (default), only successful API calls, or only API calls that AWS declined with an error message --dump-raw-cloudtrail-data: store a copy of all gathered CloudTrail data in JSONL format --past-hours HOURS: hours of CloudTrail data to look back and analyze default: 336 (=14 days), minimum: 1, maximum: 2160 (=90 days) --plot-results: generate PNG files that visualize the JSON output file --profile PROFILE: named AWS profile to use when running the command Notes: - The script requires AWS credentials to access the CloudTrail data.