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Modbus is a standard serial communication protocol used to interconnect industrial PLC (and a lot of other things). This module gives you access to TCP and RTU version of this protocol, through the MBclient object. You can have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modbus for details. INSTALL You can install this module from: GitHub: git clone https://github.com/sourceperl/mbtget.git cd mbtget perl Makefile.PL make sudo make install DEPENDENCIES This script requires no other module or libraries. It's pure Perl code without any extension. USAGE read mbtget help pi@raspberrypi ~ $ mbtget -h read a word data at address 1000 on modbus server pi@raspberrypi ~ $ mbtget -a 1000 values: 1 (ad 01000): 52544 read 10 words data at address 1000 on modbus server plc-1.domaine.net pi@raspberrypi ~ $ mbtget -n 10 -a 1000 plc-1.domaine.net values: 1 (ad 01000): 52544 2 (ad 01001): 33619 3 (ad 01002): 61010 4 (ad 01003): 11878 5 (ad 01004): 60142 6 (ad 01005): 21714 7 (ad 01006): 14182 8 (ad 01007): 64342 9 (ad 01008): 18511 10 (ad 01009): 59909 write a word value of 333 at addre