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usbdeath is a small script inspired by usbkill, 'an anti-forensic kill-switch that waits for a change on your USB ports and then immediately shuts down your computer'. The main differences are: - It is written in bash, making it easily auditable by individuals with basic programming skills. - It is not a daemon but a rule file manipulation script, with all monitoring handled by the existing udev daemon. - It utilizes more identification values for USB devices, such as name and serial number. Config: You should modify options within the script, turning off safe (demo) mode and editing trigger commands (default are sync and poweroff). Usage: usbdeath action where action is: - o, on: activate usbdeath - x, off: temporarily deactivate usbdeath - j, eject: add entry on eject event - g, gen: generate or refresh whitelist udev rules file - d, del: delete udev rules file - t, trigger: trigger event on insertion or removal - e, edit: edit udev rules file manually - s, show: show current