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This module for Yara is part of the Koodous project and it integrates static APK analysis with Yara. You can use it to find APKs by package name, permissions or API level, etc. Find the documentation for this module in the Koodous documentation's site: Preparing compilation: If you want to use this module, first you need to re-compile Yara with the androguard module. To do so, you need to modify some files. Follow the basic steps in the official docs: Include the file androguard.c in folder libyara/modules. Modify "libyara/modules/module_list" and add "MODULE(androguard)" in the cuckoo block. The file should look like the following: MODULE(pe) MODULE(elf) MODULE(math) #ifdef CUCKOO MODULE(cuckoo) MODULE(androguard) #endif Modify "libyara/" to add androguard module ("MODULES += modules/androguard.c") in the cuckoo block: MODULES = modules/tests.c MODULES += modules/pe.c if CUCKOO MODULES += modules/cuckoo.c MODULES += modules/androguard.c endif Recompile Yara, but enabling cuckoo module.