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Posh-VirusTotal PowerShell V3.0 or higher module for interacting with the VirtusTotal service to analize suspicious files and URLs using either the Public or Private Version 2 API provided by VirusTotal. Cmdlets Available: Cmdlet Synopsis Get-PoshVTVersion Checks the version of the module installed versus the version on GitHub Get-VTAPIKeyInfo Get information on the Virus Total API key. Get-VTDomainReport Get a VirusTotal Report for a given Domain Get-VTFileBehaviourReport Get a report about the behavior of the file when executed in a sandboxed environment. Get-VTFileComment Retrieve a list of VirusTotal Community comments for a given file or URL Get-VTFileNetworkTraffic Get a dump of the network traffic generated by the file when executed. Get-VTFileReport Get a VirusTotal Report for a given File Get-VTFileSample Download a file by its hash. Get-VTFileScanReport Get the scan results for a file. Get-VTIPReport Get a VirusTotal Report for a given IPv4 Address Get-VTSpecialURL Get a special URL to upload files bigger than 32MB in size. Get-VTURLReport Get a VirusTotal Report for a given URL Remove-VTFileRescan Delete a previously scheduled scan. Search-VTAdvancedReversed Search for suspicious files and URLs.