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Gamma Ray is a software that helps developers to look for vulnerabilities on their Node.js applications. Its pluggable infrastructure makes it very easy to write an integration with several vulnerabilities databases. To get it, run: $> go get Once finished, you should have the gammaray binary in your GOPATH/bin folder. Usage: Gammaray comes as a single binary, so you only need to run it passing your project as an argument: $> gammaray <path-to-your-node-app>. Gammaray supports flags like -path, -image, -log-level, and -ignore-list. By providing the path to a JSON file with CVE/CWE ignore array, you can customize the vulnerabilities to be ignored. After running, all the vulnerabilities affecting your packages will be displayed. Contributing: As a developer, clone the repository, start hacking, and PRs are welcome! $> mkd