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Cyber Triage is an automated Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) software that enables cybersecurity professionals to quickly investigate intrusions related to malware, ransomware, and account takeover. It provides a comprehensive solution for conducting rapid incident response, with features such as artifact scoring, advanced analytics, and a recommendation engine. Cyber Triage is designed to work in various scenarios, including on-premise servers, cloud, and laptops, and is trusted by global organizations committed to security. The software allows responders to quickly answer intrusion questions, such as "What did the attacker do?" and "How did they get in?". It provides a flexible deployment model, with the ability to collect data using an agentless collection tool, analyze artifacts, and respond to incidents. Cyber Triage is built by Sleuth Kit Labs, a spinout of BasisTech, and is designed to make digital forensics easier and more effective for first responders.