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The Bastille Hardening program 'locks down' an operating system, proactively configuring the system for increased security and decreasing its susceptibility to compromise. Bastille can also assess a system's current state of hardening, granularly reporting on each of the security settings with which it works. Bastille currently supports the Red Hat (Fedora Core, Enterprise, and Numbered/Classic), SUSE, Debian, Gentoo, and Mandrake distributions, along with HP-UX. It also supports Mac OS X. Bastille's focuses on letting the system's user/administrator choose exactly how to harden the operating system. In its default hardening mode, it interactively asks the user questions, explains the topics of those questions, and builds a policy based on the user's answers. It then applies the policy to the system. In its assessment mode, it builds a report intended to teach the user about available security settings as well as inform the user as to which settings have been tightened. NOTE: Bastille Linux is now Bastille UNIX - read about this here. Download Bastille UNIX Bastille broke new ground by working to educate users about security, and help them make balanced, informed choices. Many users have found Bastille's secondary goal of educational just as useful as its primary goal of system hardening, leading some organizations to make an interactive Bastille hardening session part of their training regimen for new system administrators. In this spirit, Bastille can allow t