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Harden the World

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Every day many people, including me, waste time googling for procedures, configurations and a way to harden their services. Harden the World is a community project focused on developing common guidelines and best practices to deploy secure configurations, containing hardening guidelines for devices, applications, and operating systems.



Python package for fanging and defanging indicators of compromise in text.

Non-profit organization supporting the advancement of open source software.

SWFTools is a collection of utilities for working with Adobe Flash files, including tools for converting PDFs, images, audio, and video files to SWF format.

A Bash completion script for Android command-line tools

Package verification tool for npm with various verification and testing capabilities.

Utilize the kernel's CSPRNG for generating crypto keys instead of userspace CSPRNGs to avoid randomness failures.

A visualization tool for uploading and visualizing data as graphs on-the-fly, based on AfterGlow and running on Django.

Platform for hosting Jeopardy and 'King of the Hill' style Capture the Flag competitions.