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Utility that exposes the expiry of TLS certificates as Prometheus metrics. To build the Docker image, simply run docker build: docker build . -t muxinc/certificate-expiry-monitor:latest. Running: Run the Docker image using the executable at /app: → docker run muxinc/certificate-expiry-monitor:latest /app --help. Usage of ./certificate-expiry-monitor: -domains string Comma-separated SNI domains to query -frequency duration Frequency at which the certificate expiry times are polled (default 1m0s) -hostIP If true, then connect to the host that the pod is running on rather than to the pod itself. -ignoredDomains string Comma-separated list of domains to exclude from the discovered set. This can be a regex if the string is wrapped in forward-slashes like /.*\.domain\.com$/ which would exclude all subdomains. -ingressNamespaces string If provided, a comma-separated list of namespaces that will be searched for ingresses with domains to automatically query -insecure If true, then the InsecureSkipVerify option will be used with the TLS connection, and the remote certificate and hostname will be trusted without verification (default true) -kubeconfig string Path to kubeconfig