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Nuvola (with the lowercase n) is a tool to dump and perform automatic and manual security analysis on AWS environments configurations and services using predefined, extensible and custom rules created using a simple Yaml syntax. The general idea behind this project is to create an abstracted digital twin of a cloud platform. For a more concrete example: nuvola reflects the BloodHound traits used for Active Directory analysis but on cloud environments (at the moment only AWS). The usage of a graph database also increases the possibility of finding different and innovative attack paths and can be used as an offline, centralised and lightweight digital twin. Quick Start Requirements: - docker-compose installed - an AWS account configured to be used with awscli with full access to the cloud resources, better if in ReadOnly mode (the policy arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ReadOnlyAccess is fine) Setup: - Clone the repository: git clone --depth=1; cd nuvola - Create and edit, if required, the .env file to set your DB username/password/URL: cp .env_example .env; You may need to edit the size of the memory allocated to Neo4j if you run the tool on a low-RAM device.