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Uses the AWS Cloud Control API to list resources that are present in a given AWS account and region(s). Discovered resources are written to a JSON output file. Make sure you have AWS credentials configured for your target account. This can either be done using environment variables or by specifying a named profile in the optional --profile argument. Read-only IAM permissions are sufficient. If you run the script against specific regions, it is recommended to also include the us-east-1 region. This ensures that resources of global AWS services are captured as well. Example invocations: pip install -r requirements.txt python --regions us-east-1,eu-central-1 python --regions ALL python --regions ALL --include-resource-types AWS::EC2::*,AWS::DynamoDB::* --exclude-resource-types AWS::EC2::DHCPOptions,AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment Supported arguments: --exclude-resource-types do not list the specified comma-separated resource types (supports wildcards) --include-resource-types only list the specified comma-separated resource types (supports wildcards)