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APT-Hunter is a Threat Hunting tool for Windows event logs which made by purple team mindset to detect APT movements hidden in the sea of Windows event logs to decrease the time to uncover suspicious activity. APT-Hunter uses pre-defined detection rules and focuses on statistics to uncover abnormalities which is very effective in compromise assessment. The output produced with a timeline that can be analyzed directly from Excel, Timeline Explorer, Timesketch, etc... Full information about the tool and how it's used in this article: introducing-apt-hunter-threat-hunting-tool-using-windows-event-log New Release Info: APT-HUNTER V3.0: Rebuilt with Multiprocessing and new cool features Author Twitter: @ahmed_khlief Linkedin: Ahmed Khlief Download APT-Hunter: Download the latest stable version of APT-Hunter with compiled binaries from Releases page. How to Use APT-Hunter: APT-Hunter built using python3 so in order to use the tool you need to install the required libraries. python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt APT-Hunter is easy to use, you just use the argument -h to print help to see the options needed. python3 -h Examples: Analyzing EVTX files, you can use the following command: python3 -e <path_to_evt_file>