Training and Resources

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A non-commercial wargame site offering pwn challenges related to system exploitation with different difficulty levels.

Archive of information, tools, and references regarding CTF competitions.

A repository of CTF challenges and resources from various cybersecurity competitions.

A cheatsheet for understanding privilege escalation with examples, not for enumeration using Linux Commands.

An annual jeopardy-style capture-the-flag contest with challenges related to cybersecurity.

Security cheatsheets to aid penetration testers and security enthusiasts in remembering useful but not frequently used commands.

Blue-team capture the flag competition for improving cybersecurity skills.

A comprehensive and immersive 13-week course by NYU Tandon's OSIRIS Lab introducing students to offensive security with practical applications and research projects.

A collection of CTF write-ups using pwntools

Free online class for web security and hacking

A live archive of DEF CON CTF challenges, vulnerable by design, for hackers to play safely.

A collection of write-ups from Capture The Flag hacking competitions

A cybersecurity challenge where you play the role of an incident response consultant investigating an intrusion at Precision Widgets of North Dakota.