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CTF Writeups

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Things we learned from Capture The Flag hacking competitions we participated in. CTFs We Participated In * 2021 dCTF * 2020 Hack-A-Sat Qualifier * 2019 36C3 Junior CTF * 2018 35C3 Junior CTF * 2017 AlexCTF * 2016 ABCTF * 2016 Boston Key Party * 2016 EasyCTF * 2016 HSCTF * 2016 LASA CTF * 2016 Repo of Challenges * 2016 Nuit du Hack * 2016 Neo CTF * 2016 Internet Wache CTF * 2015 420blaze SCTF * 2015 Repo of challenges Build Status We use Travis CI to ensure write-ups follow consistency standards. Last build status: Licences We use a combination of the Beerware, Unlicense, and WTF licenses. Which license applies to what file, we'll let you figure out. ;)



Curated list of acronyms and terms related to cyber security landscape with explanations beyond buzzwords.

Boston Key Party CTF 2013 - cybersecurity competition with challenges in various domains.

ENISA Training Resources offers online training material for cybersecurity specialists, covering technical areas such as artefact handling and analysis.

A project developed for pentesters to practice SQL Injection concepts in a controlled environment.

SANS Institute provides cyber security training, certifications, and degrees to empower cyber security practitioners and teams.

A comprehensive guide for hardening GNU/Linux systems with practical step-by-step instructions.

A comprehensive guide for using Docker with detailed information on prerequisites, installation, containers, images, networks, and more.

One of the oldest hacker conventions in America, offering a unique and personal experience.