Training and Resources

146 tools and resources

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A project developed for pentesters to practice SQL Injection concepts in a controlled environment.

Collection of industry and community cybersecurity courses and materials by M. E. Kabay.

A knowledge base of analytics developed by MITRE based on the MITRE ATT&CK adversary model.

A set of PHP scripts for practicing LFI, RFI, and CMD injection vulnerabilities.

A repository aiming to archive all Android security presentations and whitepapers from conferences.

The best security training environment for Developers and AppSec Professionals.

A comprehensive guide to digital forensics and incident response, covering incident response frameworks, digital forensic techniques, and threat intelligence.

Korean cyber-security challenge platform for exploiting and defending web application vulnerabilities.

Exhaustive checklist for securing Node.js web services with a focus on error handling and custom error pages.

A detailed manual for cybersecurity professionals focusing on red team, OSINT, and blue team strategies.

A comprehensive guide to understanding and responding to modern ransomware attacks, covering incident response, cyber threat intelligence, and forensic analysis.

A repository of CTF challenges and resources from various cybersecurity competitions.

Intentionally vulnerable Kubernetes cluster environment for learning and practicing Kubernetes security.

A network of physical and online cyber warfare ranges for training and testing

Instructions for setting up SIREN, including downloading Linux dependencies, cloning the repository, setting up virtual environment, installing pip requirements, running SIREN, setting up Snort on Pi, and MySQL setup.

A comprehensive incident response and threat hunting tool for Google Cloud Platform, providing logs and forensic data for effective incident response and threat hunting.

Coursera offers free online learning resources and courses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A comprehensive guide for using Docker with detailed information on prerequisites, installation, containers, images, networks, and more.

A cheatsheet for understanding privilege escalation with examples, not for enumeration using Linux Commands.

A comprehensive guide to using Metasploit, including searching for modules, specifying exploits and payloads, and using auxiliary modules.