Training and Resources

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An article in Phrack Magazine discussing the creation of shellcode for StrongARM/Linux architecture.

The best security training environment for Developers and AppSec Professionals.

Instructions for setting up SIREN, including downloading Linux dependencies, cloning the repository, setting up virtual environment, installing pip requirements, running SIREN, setting up Snort on Pi, and MySQL setup.

A comprehensive guide for using Docker with detailed information on prerequisites, installation, containers, images, networks, and more.

A cheatsheet for understanding privilege escalation with examples, not for enumeration using Linux Commands.

A comprehensive guide for hardening GNU/Linux systems with practical step-by-step instructions.

A series of vulnerable virtual machine images with documentation to teach Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL security.

A website for information on Linux and BSD distributions.

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edb is a powerful debugger for Linux binaries, enhancing reverse engineering efforts with a user-friendly interface and extensible plugins.

Linux-based operating system intentionally vulnerable for cybersecurity practice.

A workshop offering resources for local privilege escalation on Windows and Linux systems.

An evolving how-to guide for securing a Linux server with detailed steps and explanations.