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Does not require yara to be deployed (embeds all needed native dependencies). Supports two modes of operation: External: yara binary extracted and executed as a child process, Embedded: yara jnilib runs embedded in the java process. Rules can be loaded as strings, files or archives; for archives will recursively look for and load all yara rule files. Matches are returned with identifier, metadata, and tags. Negate, timeout, and limit supported. Support yara 4.0.2 -- 2021/1/17. How to build: Get and build yara source code. Example (building from 4.0.2 version): git clone cd yara git checkout tags/v4.0.2 ./ ./configure --enable-shared --without-crypto CFLAGS=-fPIC make Get and build yara-java. Example (in 'yara' folder): git clone cd yara-java mvn clean install Usage and examples: See the unit tests. Notes: After you successfully added some sources you can get the compiled rules using the yr_compiler_get_rules() function. You'll get a pointer to a YR_RULES structure which can be used to scan your data as described in Scanning data. Once yr_compiler_get_rules() is invoked you can not add more sources to