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steg86 is a format-agnostic steganographic tool for x86 and AMD64 binaries. You can use it to hide information in compiled programs, regardless of executable format (PE, ELF, Mach-O, raw, &c). It has no performance or size impact on the files that it modifies (adding a message does not increase binary size or decrease execution speed). Installation: steg86 can be installed via cargo: $ cargo install steg86 Alternatively, you can build it in this repository with cargo build: $ cargo build Usage: See steg86 --help for a full list of flags and subcommands. Profiling: To profile a binary for steganographic suitability: $ steg86 profile /bin/bash Summary for /bin/bash: 175828 total instructions 27957 potential semantic pairs 19 potential commutative instructions 27944 bits of information capacity (3493 bytes, approx. 3KB) Embedding: To embed a message into a binary: $ steg86 embed /bin/bash ./bash.steg <<< "here is my secret message" By default, steg86 embed writes its output to $input.steg. For example, /lib64/ would become /lib64/ steg86 embed will exit with a no