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Simple C++ Encryption and Steganography tool that uses Password-Protected-Encryption to secure a file's contents, and then proceeds to embed it inside an image's pixel-data using Least-Significant-Bit encoding. For Linux, MacOS, and Windows systems. - Encoding $ ./steganography encode -i data/orig.png -e data/ -o output.png - Password: 1234 - Image size: 640x426 pixels - Encoding level: Low (Default) - Max embed size: 132.38 KiB - Embed size: 61.77 KiB - Encrypted embed size: 61.78 KiB - Generated CRC32 checksum - Generated encryption key with PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA-256 (20000 rounds) - Encrypted embed with AES-256-CBC - Embedded into image - Successfully wrote to output.png - Original image: Image with embedded ZIP containing the entire contents of the book 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' - Decoding $ ./steganography decode -i output.png -o 'out -' - Password: 1234 - Image size: 640x426 pixels - Generated decryption key with PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA-256 (20000 rounds) - Successfully decrypted header - File signatures match - Detected embed - Encoding level: Low (Default) - Encrypted embed size: 61.78 KiB - Successfully