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Runtime Mobile Security (RMS), powered by FRIDA, is a powerful web interface that helps you to manipulate Android and iOS Apps at Runtime. With RMS you can easily dump all loaded classes and relative methods, hook everything on the fly, trace methods args and return value, load custom scripts and many other useful stuff. iOS DEMO - VIDEO Android DEMO - VIDEO Tutorial - Android Solving OWASP UnCrackable Android App Level 1 with Runtime Mobile Security (RMS) Solving OWASP UnCrackable Android App Level 2 with Runtime Mobile Security (RMS) Prerequisites - NodeJS installed on your computer - FRIDA's CLI tools installed on your computer - FRIDA server up and running on the target device Quick smoke-test As suggested by the official FRIDA doc, please perform a quick smoke-test to make sure FRIDA is working properly on your test device. By running the frida-ps -U command from your desktop, you should receive the list of the processes running on your connected mobile device. Android | iOS PID NAME | PID NAME 1590 com.facebook.katana | 488 Clock 3282 | 116 Facebook ... ...