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Reverse Engineering Challenges

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Reverse Engineering challenges contrived by Dennis Yurichev, inspired by Project Euler and the matasano crypto challenges. The website offers exercises and tasks covering various topics such as black boxes, obfuscation, unknown cryptoalgorithm, simple copyprotection, toy-level web server, broken data compression algorithm, and more. Challenges are categorized by level, with Level 1 including tasks related to stack, LOOP instruction, simple patching exercise, array manipulation, bit fields, and structures.



A fast and simple DOM based XSS vulnerability scanner

A library of PHP unserialize() payloads and a tool to generate them.

A collection of YARA rules for public use, built from intelligence profiles and file work.

Automate the exploitation of XXE vulnerabilities

Fuzzilli is a JavaScript engine fuzzer that helps identify vulnerabilities in JavaScript engines.

Leading open source automated malware analysis system.

A proof-of-concept tool for generating payloads that exploit unsafe Java object deserialization.

FLARE-VM is a collection of software installation scripts for Windows systems designed for setting up and maintaining a reverse engineering environment on a virtual machine.