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Merlin is a cross-platform post-exploitation HTTP/2 Command & Control server and agent written in Golang, allowing for efficient and secure communication between the server and agents. It provides a robust and flexible framework for post-exploitation activities, enabling users to execute commands, upload and download files, and perform other tasks on compromised systems. Merlin's HTTP/2 protocol support ensures efficient and reliable communication, while its Golang implementation provides a lightweight and scalable solution for command and control operations.



Open-source Java application for creating proxies for traffic analysis & modification.

A C/C++ tool for remote process injection, supporting x64 and x86 operations, with system call macros generated by SysWhispers script.

Alpha release of External C2 framework for Cobalt Strike with enhanced data channels.

A suite of tools for Wi-Fi network security assessment and penetration testing.

A tool that visits suspected phishing pages, takes screenshots, and extracts interesting files.

A collection of tests for Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerabilities using Burp Suite.

Small script to simplify format string exploitation.

Automatic tool for DNS rebinding-based SSRF attacks