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Hardentools is designed to disable a number of 'features' exposed by Microsoft Windows 10 and 11 and some widely used applications (Microsoft Office, LibreOffice and Adobe PDF Reader, for now). These features, commonly thought for enterprise customers, are generally useless to regular users and rather pose as dangers as they are very commonly abused by attackers to execute malicious code on a victim's computer. The intent of this tool is to simply reduce the attack surface by disabling the low-hanging fruit. Hardentools is intended for individuals at risk, who might want an extra level of security at the price of some usability. It is not intended for corporate environments. WARNING: This tool disables a number of features, including of Microsoft Office, Adobe Reader, and Windows, that might cause malfunctions to certain applications. You can find a complete list of changes here. Use this at your own risk. Bear in mind, after running Hardentools you won't be able, for example, to do complex calculations with Microsoft Office Excel or use the Command-line terminal, but those are pretty much the only considerable 'downsides' of having a slightly safer Windows environment.