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Build powerful, scalable applications, with minimal overhead and full out-of-the-box functionality - your code, your way. Visit the hapi.dev Developer Portal for tutorials, documentation, and support Useful resources Documentation and API Version status (builds, dependencies, node versions, licenses, eol) Changelog Project policies Support Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Members Devin Ivy (@devinivy) Jonas Pauthier (@nargonath) Lloyd Benson (@lloydbenson) Nathan LaFreniere (@nlf) Wyatt Lyon Preul (@geek) Nicolas Morel (@marsup) Jonathan Samines (@jonathansamines)



A popular free security tool for automatically finding security vulnerabilities in web applications

Important security headers for Fastify with granular control over application routes.

A centralized dashboard for running and scheduling WordPress scans powered by wpscan utility.

An AI-powered application security platform that provides automated discovery, testing, and continuous monitoring of applications and APIs with minimal operational impact.

Identifies misconfigured CloudFront domains vulnerable to hijacking

DOMPurify is a fast XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML, and SVG.

A security-focused general purpose memory allocator providing the malloc API with hardening against heap corruption vulnerabilities.

A tool for detecting capabilities in executable files, providing insights into a program's behavior and potential malicious activities.