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Deep Instinct's DIANNA (Deep Instinct Artificial Neural Network Assistant) is an AI-powered cybersecurity companion that analyzes and explains unknown threats. It provides actionable insights and explainability into never-before-seen threats, including intricate binaries. DIANNA leverages generative AI to offer expert-level malware analysis, translating code intent and activity into natural language reports. Key features include: - Analyzes various file formats like binaries, scripts, documents for threats - Translates code to explain its intent, actions, and potential impact - Offers insights into Deep Instinct's prevention models for visibility - Automates tedious SOC analysis tasks to enhance efficiency - Designed with data privacy, never using files to train models


Mindgard is a continuous automated red teaming platform that enables security teams to identify and remediate vulnerabilities in AI systems, including generative AI and large language models.
