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A company that helps organizations create security-aware teams and produce bug-free software.

CLI program for cybersecurity solution management with multiple functionalities and authentication methods.

Utility that exposes TLS certificate expiry as Prometheus metrics.

A comprehensive collection of security assessment lists for security testers.

Unofficial Python API for searching, browsing, and downloading Android apps from Google Play.

Bastille-Linux is a system hardening program that proactively configures the system for increased security and educates users about security settings.

The OWASP AppSec Europe '16 Conference is a leading gathering in web application security, featuring keynote speakers and in-depth trainings in application security topics.

Community-driven collection of open source tools being archived with limited support.

A comprehensive guide for implementing best practices in cybersecurity across various systems.

Command-line tool for downloading APKs from Appland platform.


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GAUNTLT - Security and Rugged Testing tool

A centralized platform for managing open source components and automating software supply chain security.

A microservice for string padding to prevent global issues like the left-pad incident.