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Yet another rule generator for Yara IDAPython plugin for generating whole Yara rules/patterns from x86/x86-64 code. Operation called 'parameterization' applies to selected code/function. This operation finds alternatives for any possible operands and creates a pattern based on that information. Tested on IDA 7.5+. Installation: Copy the plugin to your IDA_HOME/plugins folder and install dependencies using 'pip install capstone tabulate plyara'. According to the Intel manual, an instruction has the following structure: Instruction prefix, Opcode, Mod R/M, SIB, Displacement, Immediate value. The plugin parameterizes the REX prefix as '4?' and creates candidates for Mod R/M positions based on fixed Mod, Reg, and R/M settings. It generates 4 types of patterns: Mod | ??? | ???, Mod | REG | ???, Mod | REG | R/M, Mod | ??? | R/M.