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StaDynA is a system supporting security app analysis in the presence of dynamic code update features (dynamic class loading and reflection). Our tool combines static and dynamic analysis of Android applications in order to reveal the hidden/updated behavior and extend static analysis results with this information. This work has been done at the University of Trento. Publication: The results of our research were presented at the 5th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (ACM CODASPY 2015). Please use the following bibtex reference to cite our paper: @inproceedings{StaDynA_Zhauniarovich2014, author = {Zhauniarovich, Yury and Ahmad, Maqsood and Gadyatskaya, Olga and Crispo, Bruno and Massacci, Fabio}, title = {{StaDynA: Addressing the Problem of Dynamic Code Updates in the Security Analysis of Android Applications}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy}, series = {CODASP