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Pint is a PIN tool that exposes the PIN API to lua scripts. Pint runs on 64 bit Ubuntu and 32 bit Windows XP, it should run on 32 bit Ubuntu and 64 bit XP as well but this is yet untested. PIN is a dynamic instrumentation engine developed by Intel. Basically, it is a JIT compiler for binaries. It will disassemble the binary, one basic block at a time, and recompile it with additional instructions inserted at arbitrary positions. Pint makes it possible to add lua code at this point. Installation: Under Windows, make sure you have VC++2010 installed. Install cygwin and the following packages: ruby, patch, wget, unzip. Add C:\cygwin\bin to the %PATH% environment variable. Open a VC++ console. Move to your preferred directory and run: git clone "" cd pint ruby make.rb setup. The setup target will download pin & lua, apply patches where necessary and build Pint. The final pintool is called runner.dll. You can then run your lua script with: pin.exe -t runner.dll -s path/to/scrip -- binary_to_instrument.exe args for exe. Under Ubuntu, make sure you use ruby1.9 and have git installed and then run: git clone "" cd pint