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OVIZART (Open VİZual Analsis foR network Traffic) is a Django based web application that can be run on your machine using Django's development server or by installing a web server with wsgi type handler. It utilizes python-dpkt for handling protocol based information, python-magic for file MIME types, and python-pip for third party Python bindings.



A TCP-based traceroute implementation that bypasses firewall filters to trace the path to a destination.

A simple Docker-based honeypot to detect port scanning

A wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system

Libnids is an implementation of an E-component of Network Intrusion Detection System that emulates the IP stack of Linux 2.0.x and offers IP defragmentation, TCP stream assembly, and TCP port scan detection.

Repository of pcap traces for evaluating Network Intrusion Detection Systems in HVAC systems.

A simple honeypot that opens a listening socket and waits for connection attempts, with configurable reply and event handling

An intrusion prevention system for SSH that blocks IP addresses after a set number of consecutive failed login attempts.

A utility to generate malicious network traffic for security evaluation.

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