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Analyse a forensic target (such as a directory) to find and report files found and not found from CIRCL hashlookup public service or the Bloom filter from CIRCL hashlookup. This tool can help a digital forensic investigator to know the context, origin of specific files during a digital forensic investigation. The project is a component of the project. Usage: [-h] [-v] [--extended-debug] [--progress] [--disable-progress] [-d DIR] [--report] [--live-linux] [--print-all] [--print-unknown] [--include-stats] [--format FORMAT] [--cache] [--bloomfilters BLOOMFILTERS [BLOOMFILTERS ...]] [--bloomfilter-algorithm BLOOMFILTER_ALGORITHM] [--bloomfilters-lower-case] Analyse a forensic target to find and report files found and not found in hashlookup CIRCL public service. Optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Verbose output. --extended-debug Debug file processed along with the mode and type. --progress Print progress of the file lookup on stderr. --disable-progress Disable printing progress of the file lookup on stderr. -d DIR, --dir DIR Directory to analyse. --report Generate a report