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A simple, around 100 lines of code, SSH honeypot written in Golang. The name is based on the Persian proverb 'گریه کردن بر روی گور بدون مرده' (cry over the empty grave) and the word 'goor' (گور means the Grave in Persian). How to use it: - Install by running: go get -u -v github.com/fzerorubigd/go0r - Configuration folder could be $HOME/.config/go0r, /etc/go0r, or ./config - Create a host key using ssh-keygen - Set the port in the config file - Run the application using $GOPATH/bin/go0r Note: Running this as root is dangerous. Run it as nobody on a port > 1024, then use iptables to redirect traffic from port 22 to this app port.