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While investigating this directory structure, I came across an interesting directory structure that contained diagnostic scripts located at the following ‘parent’ path: %systemroot%diagnosticssystem\. In particular, two subdirectories (AERO) and (Audio) contained two very interesting, signed PowerShell Scripts: CL_Invocation.ps1 CL_LoadAssembly.ps1 CL_Invocation.ps1 provides a function (SyncInvoke) to execute binaries through System.Diagnostics.Process. and CL_LoadAssembly.ps1 provides two functions (LoadAssemblyFromNS and LoadAssemblyFromPath) for loading .NET/C# assemblies (DLLs/EXEs).


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MiniCPS is a framework for Cyber-Physical Systems real-time simulation with support for physical process and control devices simulation, and network emulation.